With Legionella and Pseudomonas levels on the increase in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, it is more vital than ever that industrial and commercial organisations install a proven water treatment modality. With this in mind, we’ve put together a list of the leading benefits of the Orca system.
Unlike chlorine water treatment, copper silver ionisation (CSI) is non-corrosive to metal pipes. This means that it won’t corrode your pipework, and in some cases, may help to help plate and rejuvenate piping. Therefore, this reduces the amount of system maintenance required.
Great Residual Effect
Essentially, copper and silver ions remain active until they are consumed. Therefore, copper has a larger residual effect than most other water disinfection methods.
Adding to this, the Orca copper and silver water treatment system destroys biofilm, the underlying cause of Legionella contamination. Unlike chlorine and other chemical water treatments, copper and silver ions do not “gas off” meaning the required concentrations at outlets are successfully maintained.
Environmentally Friendly
As well as our commitment to water treatment and Legionella control, we also believe environmental sustainability is highly important. The Orca system uses 100% recycled materials and allows water temperatures to be reduced, helping to save money, carbon and the environment.
Distribution Site Wide
UV, ultrasound and filtration only treat water at the place of contact. However, the Orca distributes active copper and silver ions throughout the water system and into the biofilm. Consequently, the whole water system for even large buildings is treated and Legionella control even occurs in areas with poor water flow.
The copper silver ionisation system is compliant with WRAS, HTM0401, ACOPL8 and is EU Biocidal Products Directive Article 95 listed.
5-Year Warranty
At ProEconomy we believe in the quality and efficiency of our Orca systems. That’s why we offer 5-year warranties on all of our systems, including all spares and repairs.
Engineered From Inlet to Outlet
Innovation is at the heart of what we do at ProEconomy. Therefore, we strive to engineer from inlet to outlet, including everything from removable pod cartridges to remote access.
Unlike chemical water treatment methods, like Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide, the Orca system is safe to handle with no COSSH issues. Furthermore, it is non-toxic to humans and the environment, making it a safe alternative to other water treatment modalities.
Compliments Temperature Control
Unlike other water treatment methods, copper silver ionisation is unaffected by temperature. This is a massive positive if temperatures are hard to maintain and also means water temperatures can be reduced to save money and the environment.
To find out more about the Orca system and how it can control Legionella at your organisation, contact our team today.